Tasks: Concept, Editing, Production

Short Documentary

Homo Telephonium

"Human Technology"

Homo Telephonium is a compelling short documentary that originated as a project during my university studies. Tasked with creating a film centered around the theme of "Human technology," I delved into the intriguing exploration of our society's relationship with gadgets and technology, particularly focusing on smartphones.

The inspiration behind the film stems from my genuine curiosity about the addiction and obsession of humankind regarding new technologies, especially smartphones. I sought to unravel the extent to which these devices have become an integral part of our lives, often to the point of absurdity. Motivated by a desire to showcase the sometimes questionable behavior caused by the daily use of technology, I embarked on this creative journey.

Planet Earth

In crafting Homo Telephonium, I drew inspiration from the storytelling style of BBC's "Planet Earth." The familiarity of this format allowed me to present our society and human behavior in a different light—one that viewers could readily relate to. By adopting this documentary approach, I aimed to emphasize the absurdity of our smartphone-centric behaviors, echoing the captivating storytelling methods employed by "Planet Earth."

This film serves not only as a commentary on our relationship with technology but also as an artistic expression of my perspective on the subject. The decision to embark on this solo venture enabled me to infuse my unique narrative style into every aspect of the film, from conception and scriptwriting to defining the visual style and handling nuanced audio elements.

"Please don't let the Homo sapiens get extinct"

Homo Telephonium is more than just a short film.
It's an invitation to contemplate our societal reliance on technology, presented in a format that resonates with all kinds of viewers.

This project stands as a testament to my creative autonomy, storytelling prowess, and my commitment to using film as a medium for insightful and humorous commentary on contemporary issues.

Limburg Film Festival

This film has secured a place at the Limburg Film Festival, where it was selected in the category of student films for 2021. It is a short documentary that will be part of the regional film festival. This selection is a valuable recognition of the dedication and creativity invested in the production, and it provides a platform to present the short documentary to a wider audience.
